So . . . it's been a while since I've been on here. Got busy before Christmas, and just never returned. Hmmm. I kinda missed it, and I'd only just gotten started! So, I'm back!
I thought I'd post about the two most exciting things going on in my life right now.
1. Got to start Esther last week. Been looking forward to it all fall, and it's finally here!!! I just love Beth Moore, and already it's such an incredible book of the Bible, then you put the two together and KABAM! it's Awesome!!!
2. Some girlfriends and I got together and decided we are done being the fat-sos. We have all struggled with our weight and our eating for years and we are collectively done. We have embarked together on a Weight Watcher journey that promises to be an adventure for sure. It is such a blessing to have such sweet ladies in my life and I am so excited about this new phase in my life. The beginning of a better time.
So, that's pretty much what's going on in my life right now. I'm hoping to have some great pictures to put on here in the next week or so. I plan on documenting my journey from "fluffy" to "fabulous" so be prepared to witness the tranformation!!! And on an entirely unrelated note - I'm also looking forward to welcoming two darling nephews to our family this spring. I just love babies!!! Okay, so that's enough rambling for tonight, and I've got to make sure there are no tornados headed this way before we head out in the thunderstorm to go to Girl Scouts! Oh - and speaking of - if you need some cookies, you know who to call!!!