We had the best Easter celebration on Saturday! Our friends, Kim and Kurt Feighner invited over a whole slew of people, and the kids colored eggs, hunted eggs and we all ate and played the day away. For a girl who's just used to celebrating with family, it's so wonderful to have and extra special family here at home!
Here's Luke with the Feighner's dog, Samson. My poor son really needs his own dog. Ritz just isn't cutting it anymore! He loves to visit Samson, and Samson loves the attention!
Kelli, Amber, Me, Christy
Elizabeth, Kim, and Katie!

A fabulous group pic of all the kiddos!
There's something in the water at FBC I tell you!!!

The Milleson Clan!
I hope you guys enjoy the pictures. I can't seem to bring myself to post a blog without at least one or two, and preferably a whole bunch!
A fabulous group pic of all the kiddos!
There's something in the water at FBC I tell you!!!
The Milleson Clan!
My kids also had a great scavenger hunt around our house that the Easter Bunny left for them on Sunday morning! Luke has declared the Easter Bunny a
"Waskawee Wabbit!"