Friday, March 15, 2013

Luke the Lorax

My son is so darn cute.
I bet you didn't realize that.
But he is.
Just look at him.

I know, right?

Anyway - as you can see - today is Dr. Suess day in the 2nd grade classes.  They got to bring their favorite Dr. Suess book and dress as their favorite character.  We chose the Lorax.

And then the story gets really impressive.  

I have been so busy, I have not had (or taken) the time to shop for the pieces for his costume.  Cue - the Dad!  I totally put Josh in charge of finding the pieces for his costume and the book.  

His assignment - orange shirt (check) orange sweatpants (nope - but he looked high and low and I would have abandoned the quest long before he did!) orange hair-spray stuff (check - and ON CLEARANCE!!!!!) and finally - something yellow and fun to make the mustache (check!)  

Didn't he do awesome?  I will admit - I did cut the mustache out and glue it on the orange strap.  But Josh even found the orange strap - in his mom's old sewing box!  Whoo-hoo!
My man is awesome!

Now for the rest of life in general - Spring Break starts today!  Whoo-hoo!  I'm so ready.  And so are the kids.  Ready for a break from the grind (a break from skirt wearing every day!) and some great sleeping-in mornings.

We begin Spring Break with a trip to TX - to Amarillo to visit my parents and my grandparents.  Grandpa is not doing well, and honestly - I want to come home again and visit with him before it is really bad :(  Prayers are appreciated as you think of our family in the coming times ahead. 

When we return home, it will be just a nice break time for us all - well, except the afore-mentioned amazing man.  He still has to work.  Bummer for him.

Maybe I can take some time next week to compile some pictures for my scrapbooking album.  I sure need to.  And Sadie starts a scrapbooking project after school next week - so I guess I'm going to need some photos for her as well.  Busy times amongst the relaxation, I guess.  

Blessings to you all!  I hope to hug your necks real soon!