Hello again!! I know, I know . . . I just blogged yesterday, but I'm so excited I just had to share! My dear friend Christi (also Sadie's Girl Scout leader) called today with some fabulous news. Her friend at CVS called and they recieved a shipment of Zhu Zhu's this morning. I didn't really need another hamster, but . . . she called and said they had two each of the NEW COLORS!!!! Yip-ee!!! They weren't supposed to be available until after Christmas, but here they are! She grabbed a pink one for Sadie and she's going to be soooooooo excited!!! Isn't she cute??? Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Trying Again
So, evidently it's been quite a while since I've done this - and, according to my Aunt Tammy and my sweet cousin, Tamra, I need to start again. So, here I go. We've been very busy around here. I'm teaching three year olds again, with a great friend, Ashley. We have a crazy bunch of hooligans this year, but we're doing good. Luke is in his very last year at First Learning, and I can't believe he will start Kindergarten in just a few short months. Sadie is thriving in the 2nd grade. She has a super teacher, and she just loves school. Hope we keep that for a few more years!!!
Josh and I are both in school at the community college. Josh is studying Petroleum Engineering, and since he survived Calc 2 this semester, he's on to some other ridiculous math class next semester. I, however, am pursuing the much more managable Literature degree and am plugging right along. I only need 9 more hours, and I'm off to OU to finish my Bachelors. Hopefully, I'll finish before Sadie does!!
Well, that's pretty much the update since my last post. Had a great weekend at Women of Faith with some girl friends, followed by an even better Hubbart Girl's weekend with Mom, Aunt Tammy, and my favorite cousin, Tamra - not to mention Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer. Good times! Now Christmas is now upon us, and I am so excited to spend some great family time in Amarillo. We'll be there for almost two weeks, and I can't wait. So many friends and family that I never have time to see! If I can just finish my shopping . . .
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Fun Summer
Our family is enjoying the summer. No vacation for us, just normal days packed with fun stuff!!! Hope you enjoy the pics of our summer days!
Kiddos fishing at the wildlife refuge.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sadie's Birthday Cake
I have the most awesome friends ever. I really do. I wanted to just post these pics of Sadie's birthday cake so everyone can see them. I'll get some party pics up eventually. hehe
My friend Ashley made Sadie's cake. It's the American Girl, Kit Kittredge and her treehouse. Ashley - you are truly amazing!!! I love ya!
The "tree house" is the actual cake. The tree itself is a coffee can, and the branches are Rice Krispie treats covered in icing. The branches were eaten at the party.
Kit is made from Rice Krispie treats covered in icing and sculpted to look like the doll. Can you believe Sadie ate her???

Friday, May 22, 2009
He's Here!!!
Timothy "Dax" Hubbart
I'm here to share to fabulous news that Timothy Dax is here! Okay, so most of you know that already, but I just had to put it up here, with the pics that I have!
He arrived at 8:37am on Thurs May 21st. They started Riane's pitocin at 5:30, and 3 short hours later, he was here! He weighted in at 7lbs, 1 oz and he's 19 1/2" long. He's got a head of curly dark hair, and is nursing and sleeping and pooping well!!! Hooray!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Congratulations to my Sadie!
Every month at school, the kiddos at CHA talk and learn about a different character quality. At the end of that month, at least one child per classroom is selected to be recognized as having demonstrated that particular quality. My litte Sadie was recognized at chapel this morning for this month's character quality. You'll never believe which quality it is . . .
I know, I know. You are all shocked and amazed. The quality is described as "spending less, and saving more" For those of you who aren't familiar with my girl, she saves her $ that she earns/receives for whatever special thing she has decided to save for. She has purchased an American Girl doll(she actually had $175 for that one!) and also a swimming puppy toy - very cool, but more than Mommy was willing to spend on a toy. I'm so proud of her. As we received the info on this, I was informed of a bank here that rewards kids for making a deposit every month for 12 months, and actually matches part of their deposits. They also receive a greater % interest. I think we're gonna have to check that out!
Oh, I should mention her attire today. I was unaware that she would be receiving this recognition this morning, or I would have fought her harder on her outfit. She typically dresses herself, and I try to persuade her to match, but it doesn't always work. My philosophy is, if it's in dress code, it's all good. So, she was wearing a white, black and purple shirt, a brown suede skirt, rainbow colored, striped fuzzy "house socks", and shiny, black dress shoes. I wish I had a picture. Or maybe I'm glad I don't. Anyway, at least she fit her award today!
Congratulations to my girl! May you always remember the lessons you are learning now!!! Oh, that I would have learned them years ago!
Monday, April 13, 2009
We had the best Easter celebration on Saturday! Our friends, Kim and Kurt Feighner invited over a whole slew of people, and the kids colored eggs, hunted eggs and we all ate and played the day away. For a girl who's just used to celebrating with family, it's so wonderful to have and extra special family here at home!
Here's Luke with the Feighner's dog, Samson. My poor son really needs his own dog. Ritz just isn't cutting it anymore! He loves to visit Samson, and Samson loves the attention!
Kelli, Amber, Me, Christy
Elizabeth, Kim, and Katie!

A fabulous group pic of all the kiddos!
There's something in the water at FBC I tell you!!!

The Milleson Clan!
I hope you guys enjoy the pictures. I can't seem to bring myself to post a blog without at least one or two, and preferably a whole bunch!
A fabulous group pic of all the kiddos!
There's something in the water at FBC I tell you!!!
The Milleson Clan!
My kids also had a great scavenger hunt around our house that the Easter Bunny left for them on Sunday morning! Luke has declared the Easter Bunny a
"Waskawee Wabbit!"
Monday, March 30, 2009
So, I've been reading
Alex and Brett Harris' book, Do Hard Things, and I really can't believe that I can be so incredibely convicted by the words of two 19 year old "teenagers". I'm not even half way through the book yet, and already it's like I've been given a GIGANTIC sticky note from the Lord. He's hollering at me from the heavens. Although the book was actually written as a call to teenagers to rebel against the low expectations our society has placed on them, and do whatever great thing God is calling them to, it has been a great calling to me to get off my booty and do something amazing for God. There is a whole chapter that talks about WHY we don't do great things. We are scared. I think they are thinking about teenagers being scared of failure, but - as they are only 19 - maybe they don't realize that we are all scared of failure - regardless of age. Or maybe it's just me. I know I've had some great ideas that I've chosen not to act on - and it's because I just assume that I'm surely not capable of THAT! I can no longer sit on the sidelines and wait to no longer be scared. I will never become all that God wants me to be by waiting. And - if failure happens - I just have to remember this. ". . . failure is never total. We aren't called to be successful all the time. We're called to be faithful, to take those first difficult steps - and to leave the results up to God."
And, yes, I know there picture is in that other post, but just wanted to clarify who they are. You guys - go get their book. Or at least check it out from the library. Let me know what you think. Wow. That's all I got.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Update to prev post
I just need to share - as of this afternoon it is official.
I did NOT scare Mary DeMuth to death.
She has actually added me as a friend on Facebook and has been leaving her dear self all over my page today! I feel like I'm in a dream and surely she could not really be talking to me. But - there she is! Her picture and everything! Just wanted to share. It just makes me smile!
The best weekend!
I am just so excited about my weekend, that I can hardly contain myself. Once I begin talking, I can hear myself go on and on all the while thinking "this person I'm bombarding would probably really like me to just shut-up and leave them alone." So, I have come to the decision that I will let it all out here, and those of you that care to read the whole thing - GREAT! but if you just can't handle my ramblings, just don't tell me and I'll never know. But I hope you do look at all the pics, because I'm so excited about them!
To continue . . . . I went went two fabulous friends (Kim and Christy) to the Christian Book Expo in Dallas this past weekend. I was so excited, but didn't really know what to expect! We walked in on Fri afternoon, checked in, and wandered aimlessly into the exhibit area, and there before us was Max Lucado. Signing and taking pictures with fans! Cool! We didn't stand in line (it was really long) but we did grab a picture before moving on . . .
We learned all about publication and the steps a book takes to go from a manuscript to a book on the shelf. Really interesting. And then we got to meet Deeanne, get signatures in my book (Deep in the Heart of Trouble) and, of course, snap some pics!
Ahhhhhh, then there was Donald Miller. He is such a fascinating man. He has some very interesting ideas and Kim said his book (Blue like Jazz) is amazing. So, of course I had to pick one up and yet again get a signature and the picture!!!
Then I got my most embarassing moment of the weekend. We had heard Mary DeMuth speak on a discussion panel (actually with the Harris twins and Donald Miller) and I knew she had written some fabulous fiction novels that I really enjoyed. However, as we were picking up her non-fiction ( Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture) and new fiction novel (Daisy Chain) and getting them signed, I realized she had written one of my favorite books ever (Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God). I pretty much freaked out right there standing next to her. I was so glad Kim had already taken my picture before the gushing began. I really just hope I didn't scare the poor woman to death.
Sunday morning, we were wandering back through the exhibit area when we were offered a free book and a signing by one of my favorite authors, Wanda Brunstetter. She writes about the Amish in fiction. I just love her. I picked up her new children's book for free and she signed it for Luke. They were also giving away a ton of free books, and the three of us loaded up! She signed a couple of books - including an Amish cookbook! - and was so kind to let me take a picture!!!
The girls and I had such a great fun weekend, and we all brought home enough reading material to last us a good long time. In fact, I've been thinking I may need to purchase a new book shelf for all my new books!!! I did realize after we returned that although we took pictures with all these fabulous famous authors, we took NO pictures of the three of us together! What were we thinking??? Oh well. We had a super time at the expo, and we ate at some amazing restraunts - Hibiscus - incredible food - gotta have the macc and cheese!!!!
Papasitos Mexican - cheese, cheese and more cheese
and, of course, the IHOP!!!
What fabulous memories I will cherish with these amazing girl friends! Until we do it again, girls!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Best Friends
So let me just start out by saying I have some awesome friends. God has blessed me greatly in the last year and literally showered me with loving friends. I truly know how blessed I am. However, it has recently occured to me that I really don't have any friends from childhood. I do have some fabulous cousins that are also some amazing friendships (that's you, Tamra!) but friends that I ran around with as children and grew up together, I have none. And that's really okay with me.
But I do hope that my children get to hold on to their best buddies as they grow!
This is my Luke with his bestest buddy in the whole world, Cooper. Luke loves Cooper and Cooper loves Luke. However, being as that they are only 4 years old, they tend to play and fight, and fight and play, and sometimes - the fighting greatly outweighs the playing! That being said, even when they've been fighting for 2 hours, when it's time to go home, they both want to know when they get to play again! What a lesson we can take from our children. They never hold it against each other when one wrongs the other. They know they love each other, and they will work it all out - even when there is crying, and screaming, and kicking and hitting and just general fit throwing!!! I do hope that attitude of forgiveness and all the memories they are building now will tie them to each other as they grow older!
And someday, I hope my friend Ashley and I will get to share these awesome pictures - and many more - with our boys as they go out to face the world, armed with a loving relationship with our God, love from their parents, and friendship with each other!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Did anyone miss me???
So . . . it's been a while since I've been on here. Got busy before Christmas, and just never returned. Hmmm. I kinda missed it, and I'd only just gotten started! So, I'm back!
I thought I'd post about the two most exciting things going on in my life right now.
1. Got to start Esther last week. Been looking forward to it all fall, and it's finally here!!! I just love Beth Moore, and already it's such an incredible book of the Bible, then you put the two together and KABAM! it's Awesome!!!
2. Some girlfriends and I got together and decided we are done being the fat-sos. We have all struggled with our weight and our eating for years and we are collectively done. We have embarked together on a Weight Watcher journey that promises to be an adventure for sure. It is such a blessing to have such sweet ladies in my life and I am so excited about this new phase in my life. The beginning of a better time.
So, that's pretty much what's going on in my life right now. I'm hoping to have some great pictures to put on here in the next week or so. I plan on documenting my journey from "fluffy" to "fabulous" so be prepared to witness the tranformation!!! And on an entirely unrelated note - I'm also looking forward to welcoming two darling nephews to our family this spring. I just love babies!!! Okay, so that's enough rambling for tonight, and I've got to make sure there are no tornados headed this way before we head out in the thunderstorm to go to Girl Scouts! Oh - and speaking of - if you need some cookies, you know who to call!!!
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