I am just so excited about my weekend, that I can hardly contain myself. Once I begin talking, I can hear myself go on and on all the while thinking "this person I'm bombarding would probably really like me to just shut-up and leave them alone." So, I have come to the decision that I will let it all out here, and those of you that care to read the whole thing - GREAT! but if you just can't handle my ramblings, just don't tell me and I'll never know. But I hope you do look at all the pics, because I'm so excited about them!
To continue . . . . I went went two fabulous friends (Kim and Christy) to the Christian Book Expo in Dallas this past weekend. I was so excited, but didn't really know what to expect! We walked in on Fri afternoon, checked in, and wandered aimlessly into the exhibit area, and there before us was Max Lucado. Signing and taking pictures with fans! Cool! We didn't stand in line (it was really long) but we did grab a picture before moving on . . .
We learned all about publication and the steps a book takes to go from a manuscript to a book on the shelf. Really interesting. And then we got to meet Deeanne, get signatures in my book (Deep in the Heart of Trouble) and, of course, snap some pics!
Ahhhhhh, then there was Donald Miller. He is such a fascinating man. He has some very interesting ideas and Kim said his book (Blue like Jazz) is amazing. So, of course I had to pick one up and yet again get a signature and the picture!!!
Then I got my most embarassing moment of the weekend. We had heard Mary DeMuth speak on a discussion panel (actually with the Harris twins and Donald Miller) and I knew she had written some fabulous fiction novels that I really enjoyed. However, as we were picking up her non-fiction ( Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture) and new fiction novel (Daisy Chain) and getting them signed, I realized she had written one of my favorite books ever (Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God). I pretty much freaked out right there standing next to her. I was so glad Kim had already taken my picture before the gushing began. I really just hope I didn't scare the poor woman to death.
Sunday morning, we were wandering back through the exhibit area when we were offered a free book and a signing by one of my favorite authors, Wanda Brunstetter. She writes about the Amish in fiction. I just love her. I picked up her new children's book for free and she signed it for Luke. They were also giving away a ton of free books, and the three of us loaded up! She signed a couple of books - including an Amish cookbook! - and was so kind to let me take a picture!!!
The girls and I had such a great fun weekend, and we all brought home enough reading material to last us a good long time. In fact, I've been thinking I may need to purchase a new book shelf for all my new books!!! I did realize after we returned that although we took pictures with all these fabulous famous authors, we took NO pictures of the three of us together! What were we thinking??? Oh well. We had a super time at the expo, and we ate at some amazing restraunts - Hibiscus - incredible food - gotta have the macc and cheese!!!!
Papasitos Mexican - cheese, cheese and more cheese
and, of course, the IHOP!!!
What fabulous memories I will cherish with these amazing girl friends! Until we do it again, girls!
Amanda, I am thrilled to hear about your fantastic weekend. You look awesome!!! What an interesting thing that must have been to get to attend. And I would have loved to of seen the "gushing". :)
Amanda, WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND!!! I'm so jealous I could spit. Next year you must let me in on that incredible adventure. I can't wait to hear about the books you recomend. I'm always on the look out for a great new read. I'm and SO happy that you had a good girls weekend. You don't know how excited I am to hear about all of your new girlfriend adventures.
By the way, you look GREAT!
Tamra -
I can't wait to share with you all the great reading material I have collected! And I have another list of books I need but couldn't spend another penny on!!! I will definitely let you know next year. We actually didn't know until the very last minute, and are just praying they will do it again. The turnout was not near what they expected (as I learned from Mary's blog!!!) but even she is hoping they will fix the glitches and make it better next year.
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