So, I've been reading
Alex and Brett Harris' book, Do Hard Things, and I really can't believe that I can be so incredibely convicted by the words of two 19 year old "teenagers". I'm not even half way through the book yet, and already it's like I've been given a GIGANTIC sticky note from the Lord. He's hollering at me from the heavens. Although the book was actually written as a call to teenagers to rebel against the low expectations our society has placed on them, and do whatever great thing God is calling them to, it has been a great calling to me to get off my booty and do something amazing for God. There is a whole chapter that talks about WHY we don't do great things. We are scared. I think they are thinking about teenagers being scared of failure, but - as they are only 19 - maybe they don't realize that we are all scared of failure - regardless of age. Or maybe it's just me. I know I've had some great ideas that I've chosen not to act on - and it's because I just assume that I'm surely not capable of THAT! I can no longer sit on the sidelines and wait to no longer be scared. I will never become all that God wants me to be by waiting. And - if failure happens - I just have to remember this. ". . . failure is never total. We aren't called to be successful all the time. We're called to be faithful, to take those first difficult steps - and to leave the results up to God."
And, yes, I know there picture is in that other post, but just wanted to clarify who they are. You guys - go get their book. Or at least check it out from the library. Let me know what you think. Wow. That's all I got.