Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My 3rd Grader!!!

We celebrated the very last day of 2nd grade today! Sadie has had a great year, and she had the best teacher! We all love Mrs Staton, and will miss her so much!

Sadie was awarded a great plaque at the awards ceremony today. Only 2 students per class were given awards for Character Qualities and Sadie received the award for her class. Her character quality is Thoroughness. Mrs Staton has said from the very beginning of the year that Sadie is very thorough in her work - it must be perfect before she turns it in. I'm so proud of her!!! Oh, she also made straight A's all year this year!

I can't believe we are ready for 3rd grade, but h-e-r-e we go!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So I'm a Little Bit Behind . . . Again

So, now I'm a slacker blogger again.
Since my last post, Sadie has turned 8 - WOW! - that's a big number when attached to my girl! Luke Calton has also graduated from Preschool - all on the same day!!! May 14th was a big day for us.
I totally meant to blog an awesome "Tamra worthy" page of tribute to how big and awesome my kids are getting . . . but I didn't. I did take some great pictures while thinking how great they would look while decorating said post. But they are still on my camera and not yet on my computer. Maybe next week . . .
But I do have something to say that is current! (I know - you are all shocked and amazed!) Luke goes tomorrow for his Kindergarten readiness test at CHA.
I must admit to being a bit nervous.
I know he's ready - we waited a whole extra year, for goodness sake - I KNOW he's ready!
I have nothing to worry about. He knows all the stuff he should know . . . I think.
But what if he doesn't? What if they say he needs to wait another year?
I know, I know - they will totally not say that.
But what if they do?
Being a Mommy is a hard job
(stop laughing Mom . . . and Dodie . . . and Tammy . . . and Grandmother!!!)
It's so hard to know if you're doing the right thing, and by the time you figure out that maybe you didn't do the right thing, you've already screwed them up and it's too late to fix it.
So, now I'm just waiting to get through tomorrow, and then I'll know. And the good news is that I'll be way too busy to think about it tomorrow as I desperately try to finish getting ready for the garage sale that we're starting on Fri morning, and getting my house half-way presentable before Mom and Dad get here tomorrow!!!
What am I still doing on here???
I have work to do!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring has Sprung . . .

Well, Spring has Circulated more than Sprung through Oklahoma tonight. The meteorologists don't even have any idea how many tornadoes we had this afternoon. We got to have a tornado drill here at the house - climbed into the tiny hallway closet. We haven't had to do that since the kiddos were too tiny to remember. And just fyi, that closet is much smaller than I remember it!!! Probably because my kids are soooo much bigger, but probably also has something to do with the fact that we had to share the closet with and American Girl (Chrissa), Bunny, Sadie's favorite blanket, and Luke's Pillow Pet. How it makes me wish for a basement!!! Anyway, we had some decent hail here at our house - about golf ball size. We have lots of friends that live farther south that got huge softball size hail that went right through their roof. Some other friends with car damage - mostly windshields broken and such. At least one friend that lost the roof off their home and most of the windows. Praising God that they are safe!
In happier news - Sadie won first place at Frisbee Throw in her school's Track and Field Day today. The weather for that was horrible also - it was freezing all morning and the wind was atrocious! I don't know that I will ever get all these tangles out of my hair! EVER!
She also went to visit Bro. Walter at church, because she has been wanting to be baptized. Walter says he feels confident that she understands all that she did (when she accepted Christ), and that she is ready to start the New Believers class that is required before baptism. She is on the waiting list, and as soon as there is an opening - she will start that, and can be baptized after that if she decides she's ready. She has been asking for a while now to go talk to Bro Walter, so she is really excited!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Future Feighners

So I'm driving carpool today. It's always interesting - eavesdropping on the kids in the back seat. It was especially interesting today.
Sadie's friend, Drew, was telling me what his children will be named someday. He went through several scenarios - evidently there will be three of them, and he has three boy names and three girl names, and they are ranked - in case there are, for example, two boys and a girl - or any other mixture you can devise from three children. ANYWAY - as he's telling me all the plans, he keeps asking Sadie what she thinks and she gives her input and they even compromise on a couple. They finally agree on a firm list. Then . . . I had the audacity to ask Drew if the mommy of the kids got any input. I was informed (with a look that clearly said "where have you been?" and "don't you know of the Plan?") that Sadie would be their mommy. What was I thinking? This has always been understood, I guess I just forgot. And they haven't discussed it in a while, so I didn't know if the plan was still solid. Evidently it is - and with children even planned and named and everything.
I will just say this . . . jr high is going to be interesting!!!
If they can survive that, they could be for real!!!
Here's to the future Feighners!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fishing with the fam

We went fishing on Sunday at a new place that we'd never been. Our friend Damon told us about it. We didn't catch anything but lily-pads, but the kids had a great time, and it was nice to just get out and get a hook in the water. Hopefully we can find some great places to catch some golly-stompers this summer!

Luke spent some time pouting because I wouldn't let him try to cast his line by himself. Poor little Luke . . .

And now he's finally getting to try it on his own. If you look closely, you can see the bobber way over to Luke's right. Right above the grass. Not exactly where he's aiming. Oh my - let me just say . . . I spent the better part of 2 hours untangling his line from the tree, and the lily-pads, and the other tree, and the fishing pole . . . well, you get the idea.

Josh is attempting to instruct him in the fine art of tossing it out there. He does a pretty good job on instruction, and he finally does figure it out!

When it was time to go, the kids had a great time fishing the minnows out of the bucket to release them into the wild. Sadie's not a very talented minnow catcher, but Luke is amazing. At one point, he caught 3 in one hand! Wow!!!

So, no fish for dinner at the Milleson house, but I don't like fish anyway. We did make some sweet memories, and hope we can do it again soon! If you know of a great fishing spot in the OKC area - let us know! We're ready for some great fishing!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Program . . .

So I was totally going to blog about our fishing trip today, but then I realized these pictures were not up here yet, and they are too hilarious to not blog about. So the fishing trip will have to wait for a later blog - probably tomorrow!!! hehe! Anyway, here is Luke with his awesome teacher, Ms Amie! Isnt' she darlin? We just love her!!!
This is Luke's very last year at FLC, and it's crazy to me. He's been here since he was a wee little thing of 6 months, and now he's going to start Kindergarten. It's all a bit surreal. Anyway, here are some great shots from the Spring Program!

He's got to get the glasses just so . . .

Now the hair check - he did just get a new do about an hour before show time!

And now he's ready to sing - 5 Little Monkeys!!! "You can't catch me, you can't catch me . . . "

Awwwwww - isn't he darling? He rang his jinglebells at the wrong time, but he did it with a HUGE grin on his face!!! Can't help but wonder if it wasn't on purpose???

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Letters to God

I finally got a girl's night last night. I went with some friends to Zio's in Bricktown and then to see "Letters to God." And all I can say is, if you haven't seen it yet, take some tissue. And be prepared to go home and love on your kids, because that's all I wanted to do when I got home!!! Parts of the movie are a bit cheesy, and the cheesy-ness distracts a bit from the story, but it's a good story and the acting is better than this church has previously presented.
So, I know this post is not very exciting, but nothing else is really going on here - oh, we did see "How to Train Your Dragon" on Saturday and it was AWESOME!!! The kids are still talking about their favorite parts and Luke asks every day when we can bring it home! So, that's all I've got for now!!! I'll be back when something exciting happens . . . or interesting . . . or I think of something to write that someone might possible be interested in reading!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Staying 5

Luke Calton is quickly approaching his number 6 birthday. It's August the 3rd, and for once, he is not gung-ho and excited about his birthday. He has decided he wants to skip it this year, and stay 5. Well, actually, he still wants to do the party and the cake and especially the presents, but he wants to stay 5 for another year. "What's the matter with the crazy boy?" you ask. Well . . . kindergarten. Yep, that's right. Kindergarten.
My darling son has decided to boycott kindergarten. He adamently does not want to go. It doesn't matter that 2 of his friends are going to go to school with him, and that he will learn all kinds of cool stuff, and go on lots of fun field trips. And don't mention that it is "big school" for "big kids" because that is definitely not what he wants to hear.
He wants to hear that he gets to stay at "little school" with Ms Amie. Ms Amie is evidently the greatest teacher ever made and noone will ever be as awesome as Ms Amie. I love Ms Amie - she's awesome and Luke loves her, but he really cannot stay with Ms Amie forever - and that is his plan right now.

He sat in my lap on Wednesday afternoon and cried for 20 minutes (balling with tears and boogers and everything) because he does not want to leave Ms Amie. And the boy comes up with some great arguments, let me just say. After not wanting to leave Ms Amie didn't work, he went with the friend plan. "But JOSHUA is going to kindergarten at home school! Why can't I go to kindergarten at home school and then go to Ms Amie on Thursday and Friday?" When that was ineffective, we aimed for the family plan: "But I won't get to see Daddy as much!" When convinced that Daddy will be at work the whole time he's at school, he proceeded to thinking of new solutions . . .
By dinner time, he had a plan.
Luke: "Mom. I've got a plan"
Mom: "Okay, what is it?"
Luke: "I'll go to kindergarten for one day, and if I don't like it, you will send me back to Ms Amie."
Ms Amie, Luke Calton loves you. I hope his kindergarten teacher has a shot at his heart after you!!! Thanks for being awesome! And the rest of you - pray for Luke to get excited about kindergarten because it's only April. We have a l-o-n-g summer ahead of us if he's this stressed about it now!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Other Babies . . .

Wanted to share my other children with you all. Cole was napping when I took these, so I'll have to snap some of him when he gets up and I'll add those later. These kids are such a part of our lives, I don't know how I'm going to let them go if/when I get a job at CHA. Gonna be hard.

Anyway, enjoy these pics of my darlin kids. Sarah is 3, and Logan is nearly 2.

Logan refuses to go down the big slide on the playground. He always goes all the way up, just to climb all the way back down again!! Hehe! Silly boy!

We set up a play tent in the back yard. They love it!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is HERE!!!

So spring is officially here - and my kids have spent nearly every waking moment outside. HOORAY!!!

Oh, wait. Maybe not hooray. Today was interesing. They discovered the waterhose. And the dirt. . .

Well, you can see what ensued ~

I must say - I love the handprint on her back!!! hehe!!!

So, I'm either the worst mom ever (for letting them play in the mud) or the most awesome mom ever (for letting them play in the mud!) I think I'll let them decide!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Night Madness

What a day!!! Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. What-ever. When is Sunday ever my day of rest? It's my day to catch up on the rest of the week!!!
For example, every week, I have 2 discussions due that include an initial post and 2 replies to my classmates posts. I also had an essay and a quiz due this week. Every week - since the beginning of school - they have been due on Sunday at midnight. Guess when I frantically try to finish all of these assignments? Yep - you got it - Sunday afternoon, which usually rolls right into Sunday night, until I'm counting how many minutes I have until midnight to finish my last 5 questions on my quiz. Why do I not do these things, on, I don't know - Wednesday afternoon when all the kids are sleeping??? Probably because I'm resting on Wednesday afternoons while they are napping. So, maybe Wednesday should be my day of rest and Sunday my day of insanity. It just makes more sense around here. If only the Lord had consulted me before he assigned the day of rest . . .
In other news, Sadie had a super time on her campout, although she evidently got very little rest because she collapsed in a heap after a shower and we had to roll her out of bed to go to a friend's house for dinner. She did bring home a couple of stow-aways (read as 'ticks' - ewwwwwwww) but other than that she had a great time! I love that she is comfortable enough with herself to go off without us and have a good time. And she made it home with all the clothes she left with, so I consider the campout to be a success!!! I know she can't wait for summer and her first week at Hidden Falls. I just hope I can successfully drive away and leave her there. I kind-of want to stay the week too!!! Such sweet memories for me. I can't wait for her to make some of her own.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Exciting News!!!

Big news, guys!!! I just learned this morning that my readership has increased by 25% this week!!! I think. Well, I'm just not that great at math, so I think it's 25%, although I will have to check my math with Josh. That's why I'm an English major and he plays with numbers . . .
Anyway - I now have 4 readers!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Welcome to my blog, Aunt Dodie! So glad you're here!
Hopefully I'll have something interesting to blog about tomorrow when Sadie gets back from her very first campout without Mom or Dad! And in a tent, too!!! Go Sadie!
I'm back with an update. Josh tells me that going from 3 to 4 readers constitutes a 33% increase, so - HOORAY! That's even better than I thought! hehe! So, to my 4 readers out there - thanks for reading my rambling, ridiculous thoughts! Love you all!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Annoying Professors

I would just like to express my annoyance with professors that are ridiculous sticklers on due dates - regardless of hospital visits or true obvious oversights - but seem in no hurry whatsoever to actually grade said assignments.


I have the same professor for both my classes this semester. In English Lit 2, we have turned in now 2 exams, 1 essay, and a website review. The essay was turned in over a month ago. As we prepared to turn in our second exam I emailed her very politely and asked when we might expect to receive our grade for the first exam in order to be more prepared and perhaps improve our performance on our second exam. Her answer read "I am slowly by surely working my way through them. Working on those exams now." What!?! Is that an answer to my question?


So, after giving up hope on looking over the first exam before turning in the second, I turned my exam in on Sunday - the due date.
My other class - Short Stories - we have turned in 1 essay that is still not graded - after over a month. Coming up on a month and a half. And guess what's due this week? That's right, folks - essay 2. I hate trying to please an instructor without being able to tell how I've done in the past.


On a positive note, I did FINALLY receive a grade for my first exam in Eng Lit, and it was a 97! Hooray! Now . . . if she'd only get around to those essays before the weekend. . . I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks for letting me vent. Just had to get it out!

Monday, April 5, 2010

On a Roll . . .

I figured I'm on a bit of a roll with this blogging thing, so I'll just keep it up til I run out of steam!!! Hope the 3 of you enjoy it while it lasts!!!

Today Luke and I went to the zoo with some of our friends. Then we saw a zillion other people we knew while we were there! We have a brand new children's zoo area that just opened up, and we all had to check it out. It was awesome. The kids got to wade through a stream bed, pet some animals, and I got pooped on by a bird. It just doesn't get any better than that! A fellow teacher we ran into assures me that in Germany it is good luck to be pooped on, so I hope that pans out for me! We'll see. Anyway, enjoy these pictures of our crazy kids at the zoo!

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Children and their Eyes . . .

Hello, 3 readers!!! Just a quick update on my children's eye appointments. Dr Scott says Luke Calton's eyes look great! He is far-sighted, which is actually NORMAL for children. Interesting and a fact I was unaware of. He could possibly grow out of it IF he wears his glasses all the time. Not a problem. Hopefully he doesn't outgrow his farsightedness and into nearsightedness like his Mama! hehe!!! His optic nerve looked fine and he was very happy with Luke.
Then I mentioned Sadie and her crazy eye-patch prescription and he said he wanted to see her ASAP! So . . . we made an appointment for next week. However, that time was just not working for us, so we switched it and got in last Wed afternoon. I learned things at that appointment. Her right eye has no prescription at all - it's just plain glass and she sees 20/20 with it! Whoo-hoo!!! Go Sadie! Her other eye is a bit nearsighted, but not nearly as bad as we were told. Her lense is actually a bit strong for her, and we need to change that, but no more crazy patching. He was very pleased with how she looked and there was no cause for all the craziness.
And the best news of all . . . he takes our medical insurance!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!
In unrelated news - the Lord is at work. There are two postitions available for next year at CHA. Going to apply Monday. I also got some other related news today that I am unable to share on the blog at this time, but hopefully can be public knowledge soon!!! Sorry - you never know when more than my 3 readers might glance over here and I don't want to "overshare" for anyone else!!! But I can say I got a huge smiley face post-it note from the Lord today to say "Your on the right track, girl! Keep on going!"
Oh, and one more thing - I've lost 6 whole pounds this week!!! What a great week!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

General Life Update

So, seeing as how I only have about 3 people that even read this blog, I am just not very motivated to post very often. I apologize to all 3 of you ;) However, I did feel the need to update you guys on our life, as my latest post was from before Christmas, and Easter is almost upon us. School is going well for Josh and I both. And Sadie. Luke is enrolled at CHA for Kindergarten next year, although I remain in denial about that fact . . . and tuition. I am still watching my 3 wild hooligans, but I am losing the almost 2-year-old, Logan, sometime this summer. He is getting a baby brother, and my car simply does not have seats for that many children. In related news, I called this morning to schedule an appointment to visit with Miss White (the elementary headmaster at CHA) to check into possibly working at the school next year. With our stage of life - both kids in school - and tuition being what it is - more than our house payment - it just makes sense. So, the first step is going and visiting with her to see what might be available. Please pray for us as this is a HUGE step for me, and change is hard for my brain to process - not to mention it would mean giving up my extra kiddos that are nearly like my own. I've had my Sarah since she was 4 months old and she's now 3, so it would be a major life change in several lives.
Let's see . . . what else is new? Oh, Sadie got new glasses and Luke got his first pair last month. Very exciting. And I went to Girl Scout Troop Camp Training last weekend. What a blast We were almost blown off the map, and then frozen to our sleeping bags, but we learned a lot and laughed a lot. It's amazing that I have camped almost every summer of my life, and there are still so many things to learn!!! I learned some very cool and handy knots and some excellent ways to cook in the rough. It really made me want to take my kids on a backpacking trip when they get older. I guess that is about all for now. I know - nothing really exciting, but at least it's a new post, and now the 3 of you know what's going on here in Oklahoma "where the winds come sweeping down the plains!"