I would just like to express my annoyance with professors that are ridiculous sticklers on due dates - regardless of hospital visits or true obvious oversights - but seem in no hurry whatsoever to actually grade said assignments.
I have the same professor for both my classes this semester. In English Lit 2, we have turned in now 2 exams, 1 essay, and a website review. The essay was turned in over a month ago. As we prepared to turn in our second exam I emailed her very politely and asked when we might expect to receive our grade for the first exam in order to be more prepared and perhaps improve our performance on our second exam. Her answer read "I am slowly by surely working my way through them. Working on those exams now." What!?! Is that an answer to my question?
So, after giving up hope on looking over the first exam before turning in the second, I turned my exam in on Sunday - the due date.
My other class - Short Stories - we have turned in 1 essay that is still not graded - after over a month. Coming up on a month and a half. And guess what's due this week? That's right, folks - essay 2. I hate trying to please an instructor without being able to tell how I've done in the past.
On a positive note, I did FINALLY receive a grade for my first exam in Eng Lit, and it was a 97! Hooray! Now . . . if she'd only get around to those essays before the weekend. . . I'm not holding my breath.
Thanks for letting me vent. Just had to get it out!
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