So I'm driving carpool today. It's always interesting - eavesdropping on the kids in the back seat. It was especially interesting today.
Sadie's friend, Drew, was telling me what his children will be named someday. He went through several scenarios - evidently there will be three of them, and he has three boy names and three girl names, and they are ranked - in case there are, for example, two boys and a girl - or any other mixture you can devise from three children. ANYWAY - as he's telling me all the plans, he keeps asking Sadie what she thinks and she gives her input and they even compromise on a couple. They finally agree on a firm list. Then . . . I had the audacity to ask Drew if the mommy of the kids got any input. I was informed (with a look that clearly said "where have you been?" and "don't you know of the Plan?") that Sadie would be their mommy. What was I thinking? This has always been understood, I guess I just forgot. And they haven't discussed it in a while, so I didn't know if the plan was still solid. Evidently it is - and with children even planned and named and everything.
I will just say this . . . jr high is going to be interesting!!!
If they can survive that, they could be for real!!!
Here's to the future Feighners!