Thursday, January 24, 2013


Awwwwww - it's Sadie!
Do you know Sadie?  She is so cute and innocent and darling!
Even when playing basketball!

So - she is not the most aggressive player to ever hit the court.  She is normally hanging on the edge of the action, just watching her team.  She is a great sport, and tries to just have fun and, honestly, just not mess up ;)
She is also well-known for her ballet-ish moves down the court.  She's not the one seen streaking down the court at a dead run, and really serious about the game.
Well - at least not until this past Tuesday.
All bets were off for the last game of the season.  The game started pretty normal.  She was on the bench.  Hanging out.  Waiting for the subs to head in.  Finally - in she goes...
And suddenly - the ref blows his whistle for a foul, and calls the number - 2 - 6
Wait - what???  Did he just say 26?  Are we sure??? Was that really Sadie???
YES!  Yes it was!!!!!
Now, please note - we do not encourage fouling generally.  But she was playing really hard.  She was right in the middle of the mayhem on Tuesday night.  I don't know where that little player had been hiding all season, but she suddenly came out of her shell.  
She fouled the girl, then she proceeded to get knocked down while trying to get ahold of the ball.  She normally is never close enough to any player (or the ball, for that matter!) to ever even almost get knocked down.  She was guarding this GIANT girl at one point, and actually doing a pretty good job at it.  She was really working to try and get a rebound, and I just generally could not believe that was my girl out there playing so well.
She has always had a great attitude when playing, but this she really looked like one of the team on Tuesday.  I was so proud!
Maybe we do have a basketball player in the making!

*Note to Sadie - if you are someday in the distant future reading this, and you are an amazing basketball player - just remember we always knew you had it in you!  I am so proud of you - whether you are the "least awesome" player on the team, or the star!  

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