Friday, February 15, 2013

Weight Loss Update

When I returned to blogging, I promised you all (I know - there's only like 2 of you, but there you are!!!) anyway - I promised you all updates on my weight loss.  And then I never spoke of it again.
I know you are really upset about that.
No, really - you are.  Deep down inside.
Just work with me here - you know you feel it...

Anyway - 

I have not done too well.  Until this week.
2 weeks ago, I hit a number that I promised myself I would never see again.  And then there it was - staring up at me from the scale's evil screen.  UGH.
So frustrating.  But, I moaned and groaned, but didn't really do anything about it.  So it continued to stare at me last Friday.  Double UGH.
So - this week, I girded up my loins, and got serious.
And guess what???
That number was GONE!!!!  Replaced by a happier (although still entirely too large!) number!  3 pounds gone this week!  Yip-ee!!!!
Now to keep it up this week - can't wait to see how this all turns out - I know you all are on the edge of your seats ;)

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