Saturday, March 14, 2009

Best Friends

So let me just start out by saying I have some awesome friends. God has blessed me greatly in the last year and literally showered me with loving friends. I truly know how blessed I am. However, it has recently occured to me that I really don't have any friends from childhood. I do have some fabulous cousins that are also some amazing friendships (that's you, Tamra!) but friends that I ran around with as children and grew up together, I have none. And that's really okay with me.

But I do hope that my children get to hold on to their best buddies as they grow!

This is my Luke with his bestest buddy in the whole world, Cooper. Luke loves Cooper and Cooper loves Luke. However, being as that they are only 4 years old, they tend to play and fight, and fight and play, and sometimes - the fighting greatly outweighs the playing! That being said, even when they've been fighting for 2 hours, when it's time to go home, they both want to know when they get to play again! What a lesson we can take from our children. They never hold it against each other when one wrongs the other. They know they love each other, and they will work it all out - even when there is crying, and screaming, and kicking and hitting and just general fit throwing!!! I do hope that attitude of forgiveness and all the memories they are building now will tie them to each other as they grow older!
And someday, I hope my friend Ashley and I will get to share these awesome pictures - and many more - with our boys as they go out to face the world, armed with a loving relationship with our God, love from their parents, and friendship with each other!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Amanda, I loved this blog. I so relate to it. And I don't know what your feelings are on this, but I always think boys/men can have their friendships without all the garbage us girls/women bring into ours. Luke and Cooper look like they could be brothers.