Friday, February 15, 2013

Weight Loss Update

When I returned to blogging, I promised you all (I know - there's only like 2 of you, but there you are!!!) anyway - I promised you all updates on my weight loss.  And then I never spoke of it again.
I know you are really upset about that.
No, really - you are.  Deep down inside.
Just work with me here - you know you feel it...

Anyway - 

I have not done too well.  Until this week.
2 weeks ago, I hit a number that I promised myself I would never see again.  And then there it was - staring up at me from the scale's evil screen.  UGH.
So frustrating.  But, I moaned and groaned, but didn't really do anything about it.  So it continued to stare at me last Friday.  Double UGH.
So - this week, I girded up my loins, and got serious.
And guess what???
That number was GONE!!!!  Replaced by a happier (although still entirely too large!) number!  3 pounds gone this week!  Yip-ee!!!!
Now to keep it up this week - can't wait to see how this all turns out - I know you all are on the edge of your seats ;)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Snow and Lizards

I am sooooo ready for spring.
Oh - who am I kidding?  I'm ready for summer!!!  Swimsuits, lazy days, trampolines - I'm ready!  But - we must reach spring before summer may arrive.
And I must reach a lower number on the scale (and my britches!)  before swimsuit season!!!
Anyway - none of that is the point of this blog post, so I will move along . . . 


We finally got some here in OKC.  I, for one, could live without any of the frozen, wet stuff - except on the rare occasions that it gets us out of going to school ;)
But yesterday, we got some.  Not much, and none stuck to the road, but totally enough to play in.  Now, I'm usually that mean mama that makes my kids work on homework and drudgery before they get to play, but how do you so no to snow?
You don't.
So - out my kids went, and they had a wet, muddy blast!
And - if evidenced by my carpet and hallway floor - so did the dog!
Before I knew it, they had erected this fabulous snowman that I am certain will be a lovely mud puddle (topped with a hat!) by the time we get home this afternoon.
But at least we got a picture of him before he melted away!

Now - Lizards!!!
Yes - we finally got them too.
And they are cute - but they eat crickets.  Who knew?  Okay - everyone knew, but this mama does NOT like crickets!!!  EWWWWW!!!!!  So, needless to say - I was pretty hilarious trying to feed these crickets to the geckos yesterday.  I'm sure it will get better - but EWWWWW!!!!!!!
Here's the pic I took of Luke with his new buddies.  When he gets them named and starts handling them, I will post some pics of them.  I think all you can see is the tank in this pic, really.  But he's excited - can you tell?


Friday, February 8, 2013


So - if you know me AT ALL - you know that I love animals.  Always have.  We have a dog - she is spoiled rotten and lives in the house with us.  Part of the family.  Not as spoiled as our first dog, Ritz, but Lucy has it pretty good.  She regularly gets one of the two chairs in our living room while one of us sits on the floor!  Spoiled.
When we were first married, we had quite the collections.  2 fish tanks, a cockatiel, several parakeets (only 2 at a time, but I think we had a total of 3 - or 4.  Let's say 3, shall we?)  a poodle (Ritz!) and a hamster.  All in our tiny apartment that we affectionately (and accurately!) referred to as "the Milleson Zoo."  You will notice if you are paying attention, that there are no reptiles on that list.  That is the one creature we have avoided.  Although Josh did look seriously at getting an iguana at one time, but decided, since we didn't have children yet, and were preparing to start our family, that it would be too time consuming and take up too much space when we added a baby to the mix.  
Well, from that time to this, all those sweet creatures have past on to wherever beloved pets go (don't get me started, because I'm telling you - Ritz will be waiting for me when I get there!) Well - with the exception of the cockatiel.  We gave him away years ago because of Sadie's allergies to bird dander, and he is still making a house his home, and loving ruling his home!  I got that bird when I was 16 years old - so he's doing amazing!  
We now share our home with Lucy dog - 

and 2 gerbils (Shadow and Brownie) that live in Sadie's room - sorry - I can't find any pics of them on this computer!  I know that makes you sad. .  
But I fear we are about to embark on a new adventure.  Luke Calton discovered the leopard geckos at Petsmart last night, and he's in love.  He has big plans for getting one on his birthday. As we priced all the stuff you need to start a reptile home, we decided it would probably be within his budget and started seriously considering this endeavor.  Then it occurred to Josh to check craigslist.
We love craigslist.  Bought Luke's loft bed (with slide!) for $50 there, and have sold many things through cyber-world and that wonderful site.  
Soooo - Josh hops on last night and BAM!  2 Free Leopard Geckos - complete with cage and food and everything!  Did you see that?  FREE!!!!  Whoo-hoo!!!!!  They are already tame, and the dude was going to give them to a teacher that decided they didn't want them after all.  But Luke sure does!  And he can still have $ left for his birthday!  (Unless we spend it all on crickets!)  
We are supposed to pick up the new critters on Sunday.  I look forward to posting some pics of our actual dudes then!  Until then - this is what they look like!  

       Okay - so this one is a little creepy - but I like that he looks like he's smiling :)

 Aren't they cute?!?
More on how it goes next week.  Until then - have a happy weekend!  I'm so glad it's finally here!!! (Or will be in 45 minutes, anyway!)