Saturday, April 10, 2010

Exciting News!!!

Big news, guys!!! I just learned this morning that my readership has increased by 25% this week!!! I think. Well, I'm just not that great at math, so I think it's 25%, although I will have to check my math with Josh. That's why I'm an English major and he plays with numbers . . .
Anyway - I now have 4 readers!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Welcome to my blog, Aunt Dodie! So glad you're here!
Hopefully I'll have something interesting to blog about tomorrow when Sadie gets back from her very first campout without Mom or Dad! And in a tent, too!!! Go Sadie!
I'm back with an update. Josh tells me that going from 3 to 4 readers constitutes a 33% increase, so - HOORAY! That's even better than I thought! hehe! So, to my 4 readers out there - thanks for reading my rambling, ridiculous thoughts! Love you all!!!

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