Monday, April 26, 2010

Fishing with the fam

We went fishing on Sunday at a new place that we'd never been. Our friend Damon told us about it. We didn't catch anything but lily-pads, but the kids had a great time, and it was nice to just get out and get a hook in the water. Hopefully we can find some great places to catch some golly-stompers this summer!

Luke spent some time pouting because I wouldn't let him try to cast his line by himself. Poor little Luke . . .

And now he's finally getting to try it on his own. If you look closely, you can see the bobber way over to Luke's right. Right above the grass. Not exactly where he's aiming. Oh my - let me just say . . . I spent the better part of 2 hours untangling his line from the tree, and the lily-pads, and the other tree, and the fishing pole . . . well, you get the idea.

Josh is attempting to instruct him in the fine art of tossing it out there. He does a pretty good job on instruction, and he finally does figure it out!

When it was time to go, the kids had a great time fishing the minnows out of the bucket to release them into the wild. Sadie's not a very talented minnow catcher, but Luke is amazing. At one point, he caught 3 in one hand! Wow!!!

So, no fish for dinner at the Milleson house, but I don't like fish anyway. We did make some sweet memories, and hope we can do it again soon! If you know of a great fishing spot in the OKC area - let us know! We're ready for some great fishing!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

sounds like a great time to me!